In this article I will talk about a subject that is ignored or seen as unhelpful. Is the issue I am talking about:
Sales in network marketing.
If you are on a network marketing should be aware that in order for money to do some sort of sales must take place, namely a product or business opportunity. This is what network marketing is all about, but let's go a little further.
Have you ever known someone that just seems to be a natural Sellerwas born. someone who knows how to push people's buttons, shortcut to convince them to take some sort of action? They are normally very talkative and outgoing. Do you know who I am talking about? Perhaps you're like this yourself.
Statistics show that only about 10% of the world's population have these characteristics and specific character is gifted by sales. I think this statistic is true because, if you notice, it appears as always in sales organizations there are many average and only a few super producers.
Most network marketers aren't part of that 10% and not comfortable in situations where a sale can be done. Now, there's nothing really wrong with this and I feel exactly the same way!
So, we must ask ourselves: have sales skills to succeed in network marketing?
Unfortunately, the answer for most is "no". Cannot rely on our sales skills our skills of persuasion or only for creating our work. If we will be homeless and in debt up to our necks.
Yes, sales required in this industry, but this is the 21st century and there are many ways to sell that is not based solely on our natural sales talents.
It is all about how to go about building your business.
It is essential that the owner and operator of our network marketing companies will start to think like real business owners and employees are not. Employees are people who are forced to perform specific tasks, given boss. Some organizations have ing cold callingworkers and door to door selling their products. In these types of situations would a sales skills is a critical part of the success of this company.
However, because we are independent business owners, PwS will go sale our products or recruiting new reps is debatable. You can use marketing techniques that take advantage of our time and make the sale. Now don't misinterpret this statement, you have yet to develop a sales item skill when working in this industry, but you don't have to be slick, skilfully convincing Seller type in network marketing.
Instead of selling more difficult, you want to market smarter and marketing allow your system to do the selling for you. Your prospects will see your marketing message and responding when ready. In this way, you won't have to go around the ' search ' how taught more networkers in the industry. We work only with those who have expressed interest and have invested in some of their time in your offers.
Have you ever heard the expression: "Classification professionals, amateur Convince." will read well in network marketing: market perspective "Professional amateurs."
When recruiting effective methods of marketing the deck with the people who will sort through will prospects are very specific and relevant. When recruiting ineffective prospecting methods the deck with the people to sort through, it will be very bad and very irrelevant.
We cannot all be natural sellers, but if we put together an effective marketing system not to sell to us, and spend our time working only with highly targeted and qualified prospects, we can succeed in network marketing.
You have a trading system in a position to do the selling for you?
Here is one: []
Thomas Hernandez-network marketing consultant/trainer