When most people who attend their first network marketing meeting, do so with an open mind, they get so excited for another success that sign up and frantically rush around trying to finance all see. Sometimes, take some of the members of their families to participate. Then they will understand that those who have joined under the business don't work as hard as it is. Some will join just to your happy and just seeing that we must work to make money, their deposition.
Some people who join will buy their product, "hot list", set up some appointments and invite people over. After a month or two, they begin to realize what many before have understood. These methods expose your old school can t deny. These are the same methods they were sponsor taught and have put in place for years.
But now, it's a new era of technology and all the leaders of the industry by taking advantage of the Internet and everyone is stuck using old school methods will be faced with the same long odds that faced network marketers for years. We must also face the same problems that led 4 higher in many of the failures in network marketing.
These problems are:
1. Need more opportunities for your business because your "hot list" request timed out.
2. we need more money for your business because you thought you were going to put your business on your profits faster.
3. the lack of duplication
4. keep your team members leave faster than you can subscribe to.
The first problem typically occurs when your "hot list" is used about half way and the rates of your success is what you expect. Almost all donors say that your first step is to write your "hot list" (family, friends, anyone else have a telephone number, or who knows your name) and start getting in touch with them. But when your list is gone, how would you proceed? Some will use flyers in the local mall or/and to connect to the Internet and to purchase a list of leads.
At work your way through your "hot list" you really are better than a door to Seller door because you are calling and visiting all the personal contacts and is trying to promote your product or opportunity, even if not asked for it.
When you use the "three foot rule" and to turn every conversation into your promotion, you get the directories from a Salesman corner point trying to sell their mpiskotopoiias.
There are many sites online that will sell the super-duper, pre-qualified, the first time used, fresh leads lists. Then you have to cold calling of these people and sell over the phone as a telemarketer, and if you don't get any bites, you will lose your money. Not to mention that many of them will say something like "you're the 4th person asked me today about this!"
The second problem usually sets in quickly enough because everyone starts their own company in order to make money and everyone who spends it. One thing is to buy the products, and quite another to have to buy additional product Placement "with the perspective and then you need to buy the CD and other sales type products for your business.
The average paycheck in network marketing is $ 43 per month, and this is way less than you need to buy to remain qualified for commissions. Thus, many people will fall before going broke.
The third problem duplication is all about the system. When you use these methods, old school, which, incidentally, is great for those who have a personality sellers, it is difficult to get everyone to do the same things and, since everyone is different, it is hard for everyone to use the same system.
The problem of retention is caused by other problems and the fact that it is difficult to withstand all the rejection that you submitted.
However, there is an easy way to fix all of this and is really only a 4 step process. The first step is training, and when done correctly, and focus the other three steps, not only will you have to deal with rejection, but never again will you have a good marketing plan that will allow you to move in a positive direction with your home based business.
The other three steps are:
1. Create a list.
2. to establish a relationship with those contained in the table.
3. Monetization in the list.
There are many people looking online for ways to make money. There are many people online looking for solutions for network marketing problems. This is your target market. All you have to do it yourself online location where those who seek to find you.
If you do, you'll Find a lot of people and leaving your information to contact them with solutions. I have so many that you will have to set an auto-responder service just so you can keep up with all their names and email addresses and be able to attend with them.
If you get effective training in many ways to create a list of prospects and are able to find a method after the other until you have a marketing plan by collecting 30-50-or 100 success leads per day and your auto-responder that is followed by theon a regular basis, this will give you an inexhaustible qualified leads.
With people to your online and will give you the information, you have to start with interested people. When you have a service that sends all e-mails and their shows resources and tools that will help their business, and all these tools really help them, and how is your corporate programswill build a relationship with them and monetizing your list at the same time.
If you look around online, you will find many people who say "the money is in the list". These people are not talking about your "hot list" talking about a list as described here.
I would also like to think about one more thing, when it is a marketing plan. A modest product with a great marketing plan will always outsell a great product that has only a modest marketing plan. To demonstrate that, just that--like McDonalds. Could you make a better burger than McDonalds? Of course you can, but gave the opportunity to sell billions of them their marketing plan.
By Dan Lambeth, most people try to find the MLM, fails, and quit before ever find what went wrong. Reason # 1 is the lack of adequate training for this and cannot be turned around to attract marketing principles taught in this mlm lead generation and marketing training system.