2011年3月31日 星期四

Motricity of Jim Ryan to present at CTIA Executive panel discussion: "life as it happens: mobile social networks ...

BELLEVUE, Washington, March 21, 2011 GLOBE NEWSWIRE)--Jim Ryan, head of strategy and marketing officer at Motricity (Nasdaq: MOTR-News), will present during an executive panel discussion.

Jim Ryan joins a panel of leading companies as they discuss the latest trends and consumer engagement opportunities available through mobile social networks. Panel members converse on the main elements of a successful strategy, and the monetization opportunities available such as brands with consumers to provide innovative mobile social networking applications. Panelists will also share insights and tips to stay relevant, in real-time, and build brand value while providing value to users.

The Motricity, Inc. logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=7813

View the original article here

Real estate marketing strategies-7 ways to overcome the myth that should be "Who" to succeed

Haven't we all been told that those who manage to be aggressive and who? This is why so many people are scared of marketing themselves? My 30 years of coaching people, I found that almost everyone has an over reaction to marketing. In other words, will probably do nothing but buy it yourself and that is what they do normally.

Tip 1: see your old concepts of marketing:

What images come to you, when you think of marketing?

You can visualize a Salesman who's on your doorstep? Do you think of telemarkers invites you at night?

Tip 2: to equate marketing sales reps?

Most of my clients always worked for someone else and their own businesses, are scared about whether success or failure. So, begin to think, consciously or unconsciously, that marketing stands for "Sales".

Tip 3: do you think I "get" when you offer your services?

For many years to help people get more clients, I can honestly say that most people believe that they receive from another when their market to another. Instead, start thinking of you can give each time someone tell me what to do.

Tip 4: have a very comfortable, not who the "elevator speech".

A speech "lift" is a version of memorized what I say when someone asks "what are you doing?". Always answer the question with a question. For example, if you are a real estate agent, instead of saying "I am a real estate agent," says "you know how most people get stressed when they buy or sell a home? Well, my duty is to help and to relax. I am a real estate agent. "

Tip 5: always ask your permission to continue.

For example, if you are acold calling"someone in the company, the right to continue. For example, if you have a coach and tell me your name and what you like "will help
People with success in business, "and then say" If you would like to take 30 seconds, will be happy to tell you what I do. " The receiver of the call will feel as if their time is respected.

Tip 6: Give always ask for the gift of someone's time and attention:

For example, if you are a real estate agent, and you want to go from door to door, have something in your hand to the person.
For example, "I'm your neighbor and I have a list of the properties sold in our neighborhood. "This would interest you?

Tip 7: Your perspective you need to know, like and trust.

Any attempts to with a prospect who will disable them.
Remember to focus on building a relationship, so that they can know, and your trust.


With 30 years of psychological expertise, Dr. Maya Bailey specializes in helping real estate professionals who want more customers, more free time and a better way of life to create confidence, a positive mindset and a step-by-step blueprint for success.

For specific ways to master your psychology about getting clients and growing your business, and your personalized step-by-step success blueprint, http://www.90daystomoreclients.com visit to receive free special report and your mentoring session audio: 7 simple strategies for most clients in 90 days. To contact Dr. Maya Bailey, call 707-799-5412 http://www.90daystomoreclients.comor visit

2011年3月30日 星期三

Network marketing training-what to look for

Everywhere you look, especially online, it seems as if someone adopting new training will transform into a millionaire within a very short period of time. Supposedly this is the best training, and this is the best training and there is always some new strategy you have to learn if you are going to experience success. The truth of the matter is that there are specific skills you need to learn, which will allow you to succeed in network marketing. Sure some marketing or advertising strategies offered will help, but they should be able to cut through a lot of noise here learn the basic skills.

When most people join network marketing, even you have training from their upline or group. This training focuses usually talk about what warm contacts as possible in order to promote the business and product. The problem with this is that education is not the necessary training to your need to ensure real results.

The skills you should learn

To see the results in network marketing should be fluent is the following qualifications.

1. Sale-if you want to focus sales of its products as the primary means to earn your income than they would have to sell. The majority of people involved in network marketing is not Seller. born again So you can see now why so many struggle simply because they lack this skill.

2. Lead Generation-should be able to create your own high-quality leads. Most companies and will say to buy uplines leads and cold calling results. This is the dumbest thing you can do this because none of the people who will contact had the idea or its intention to start a business. But there are people out there who are absolutely serious, motivated and want to start a business. These are the leads you want to be focused. Again, this is a very important skill that you should learn in order to succeed in this industry. The best and most effective tool to achieve this is the internet. Here you can position yourself to be found in warm, laser targeted leads.

3. Marketing-how to get your message across to people. More importantly, how will you place yourself on to find from people searching for what you have to offer. In order to create potential customers need marketing position. Another great tool for this to happen is the internet. The internet is a wide open market consists of over 1 BILLION users. Why not tap into this huge market?

4. Recruitment-what is probably one of the most value skills you should learn that directly affect how much money you can win. This is the part that will determine whether you can earn $ 300 checks or 5 figure checks each month. Because network marketing is all about building relationships with people is a key element in recruiting for your success.

What to look for

Before you buy any kind of training here is what you want to search.

1. Testimonies. Others actually have experienced results from using this training?

2. the price point. You must determine if the value is really worth the reward from the application of training. Some training is worth $ 50, some worth $ 5,000. You will need to decide what level you are in, and go from there. Invest like a $ 5,000 may come back ten fold.

3. Credibility. This is the source for a reliable source? There are always people trying simply to make a quick buck selling extremely low quality of vocational training. Watch out for these quotes and just make sure that the seller can create copies of the claims.

4. the application. You must specify if this training is easy to implement, or will require to entrust this to other people. Also make sure that you will have time to implement the education. It would be foolish to buy this education and never use it. It is funny, because that happens all the time in this industry.

Either way you need good training, particularly if you're brand new, if you plan on actually succeeding. 3% of employees in this industry know the value of quality training and will not be in their current positions if they do not invest on their own. So if you are a new or a seasoned network marketing the right kind of education can be the difference in your business.

Joey Fratantoni Is an Online marketing expert. He has cracked the code for the development of every network marketing business using the power of the Internet. Get your hands on some type of Online plus free gifts by clicking here: Online pull

2011年3月29日 星期二

Network marketing-offline strategies for your business Online

Education is one of the most valuable possessions you can attain. That is why there are many people making millions online selling information. Learning is your steppingstone to a better job. There are many jobs that require a license and continuing education to stay in business. Network marketing is no different. Because when you are marketing with proper techniques and tools online, you have to keep up with the changing landscape of the Internet.
The old school methods that most MLM companies have their representatives teaching to their sign ups are outdated and not very productive. They truly are only using offline methods. It is really quite surprising that these methods are still being taught when you consider how much rejection those who practice them have to deal with. This rejection can be very depressing and leads many people to quit and think that it is too hard to make money in MLM.
When all of your training tells you to make a "warm list" (I E- friends and family, neighbors and associates) then to call them up and either "place" some product with them or invite them to a home or hotel presentation, this forces you to "sell" them on the idea that they need your product or that they can get rich with your business opportunity. What most people do not realize is that only the 5 to 10 % of the people who have a salesperson's personality can have success with these methods.
For those that tough out that part and get a few sign ups, they must find a new source of leads when their "warm list" runs out. Since they have not been trained in any proper marketing methods, they will probably put out flyers at the mall or on community bulletin boards and look online for a list of leads. If they buy leads online, now they have to cold call those people and try to sell to them. So then you go from what is no better than a door to door salesman, with your "warm list" to a telemarketer, with your bought list. How often do you buy from people using these sales ploys?
Doesn't it seem like a lot of wasted time and money? How long can most people put up with that kind if constant rejection? Wouldn't your efforts be more productive and even fun if you could generate targeted leads of people who are so interested in what you have that they not only went looking for it but, after they found you online, they left their name and email for you to contact them? What if you had a lead generation system that offered free marketing training that taught you how to use the most modern tools and techniques to position yourself online where those who are looking can find you? Furthermore, what if this system had ongoing free training webinars with industry experts showing all of their best strategies?
I learned what I am about to share with you from one of these experts that uses this system and he is one of the best leaders using the system. He uses many online methods and is good at them but he also uses many offline methods and he does them because they are inexpensive and they work. But, just like the online efforts, you have to be consistent and you have to be committed to your business to have success. These are not like any of the methods mentioned before and with them you can target a wide range of prospects.

Waiters and waitresses, restaurant customers, house cleaners, mail clerks, house buyers, apartment renters, mall shoppers, personal growth book readers, home business researchers, toll booth customers and their passengers, newspaper buyers, gas customers, frequent flyers, vacationers, car buyers, library card holders, toll booth attendants, airplane attendants, magazine buyers, book buyers.

How would you like to learn how to market to all of these people with no pestering, chasing, or rejections and do it cheaply?

You only need 3 tools, a small budget, and a few minutes per day. It is just a matter of knowing what to do and when to do it and these methods do not even ask you to leave your comfort zone. Some of them may be a little sneaky but none of them are illegal. Just remember one thing. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than it is to ask for permission.

The three tools you need are a custom made ink stamp, some of your company CD's or some even better and cheaper generic ones, and some drop cards. The drop cards are printed to look like $100 bills and they are shorter than real money so that when you fold them in half, they look like a real bill that has been folded in thirds. When you open the drop card up, your info is on the inside. Your website and an email and a message to the reader.

The message can be whatever you want. It could start with "Disappointed? Don't be. I can show you how to make 20 to 30 real ones each month". Some great lines to put are "The #1 home based business period" or Start your own business and FIRE your BOSS!"

The CD's I use have a title of "What would you change if your annual income suddenly became your monthly income?" At the end of the CD, the person on it says that he endorses whoever gave them the CD and they should get in touch with them. There is also a place to put your site and email or phone number. I will tell you where to get the CD's and the best drop cards at the end of the article. If you want to utilize these methods you will want high quality CD's and real looking drop cards.

You can go to Kinko's or Office Depot or a printing shop and get the ink stamp. It wants to say "For business opportunities in the (your city) area contact (your name) at (your email) or go to (Your site)" That is it. Just get the stamp in about size 10 font so it is about the same as most print in books.

How to use the stamp. Just go to Amazon.com or any site that sells USED books or a used book store and buy some books that have to do with starting a home business or network marketing or personal growth. Then you put your stamp in the book about 3 to 5 times, NO MORE, and then you take the books to your local library and donate them. You can use this as a tax deduction. It will attract the right traffic for years to come.

How to use the CD's. My expert friend likes to use these in toll booths. But only the 50 cent or $1 tolls. What you do is look at the car behind you when you are approaching the booth. If the car looks decent, it will probably have a CD player and when you get to the toll attendant, just hand them $2 and a CD and tell them that you are paying for the car behind you and will they please hand them the CD. If they say "what is it", then you say "I'm sorry here is one for you too!" BOOM double Whammy!!Most people will listen to it since they have nothing to lose and if it is not for them they may give it to the next person who rides in their car.
Now for the drop cards. Keep in mind that the cards or the CD's can be used for these first couple of strategies. When you are out at a restaurant and you have a good waiter you will want to leave a GOOD tip, but before you leave just tell the waiter or waitress, "We really enjoyed eating here and thought you gave us phenomenal service. Could I ask you one thing? Do you keep your options open when it comes to making extra money?" Most of the time they will say YES. And then you say "Great, I know you are busy and I do not want to talk about it here but I am going to leave you something to check out on the table". Then you leave a 20% or more tip and leave a CD or a drop card.
The next strategy is for when you stay at a hotel. Do you ever leave a tip for the maid or house cleaner? Not many people do. What if you left a tip when you checked out of $5 or more and left a note that said, "I realize that your job must not be very much fun, but you are a hard worker and I need people like you in my organization. If you keep your options open when it comes to making extra money, you should check this out." and you leave a drop card or a CD with the tip. A lot of these people are bilingual and all of them work hard. This strategy will give you people in every state you visit and it can get you people in other countries.
One more place that you can use either CD or drop card is on an airplane. Have you ever seen the magazine that is in the pouch of the seatback in front of you on an airplane? It is called SkyMall and this is a great place for the CD or drop card. You can even DROP some drop cards while you are on the airplane or in the airport, on the escalator, elevator, food court, anywhere but just do not leave a trail and make it obvious. A lot of these strategies are viral and when you sign someone up with one, they will use the same strategies.
There are many more marketing zones where you can just drop them, like at the mall. You know, food court, escalator, elevator, benches, just, do not leave a trail of them and do not put your cell phone number in them. While you are at the mall you can go into the high end stores and leave some in there too. You will want to find the leather coats section and put some in pockets, or find the expensive suits or jeans and leave some in those pockets. These are marketing zones and this is reverse shoplifting. Remember, you can ask for forgiveness if you need to.
While you are at the mall, you can go to the book store and, in the magazine section, find the ones about making money like Success or Fortune and put some drop cards in those and any other magazines that deal with that subject or personal growth. Then it is over to, you guessed it, the books that deal with the same stuff. My expert's favorite book is The Secret and specifically in the chapter called Prosperity. But there are many books that deal with the subject of making money or entrepreneurship and you can use them all.
When you leave the house each morning you can make a few stops on your way to wherever you are going. At the gas pump, you can pay for your gas with a credit card and then slide one of your drop cards into the credit card slot on your pump and any other pumps that are close by. If you just get 8 to 10 bucks worth of gas at a time you can stop at more pumps and have more opportunities to market during the week. The next person will have to pull it out and open it up and read it, if they do not want it, they will probably throw it down and now it is viral in the wind.

If there is a newspaper box at the store you can put your quarter in and open the box and put a card in each paper in the box. Then, go find some more newspaper boxes. You can put your drop cards in several newspaper boxes for less than 2 bucks.

You can also find those real estate magazine stands and they are free to open and leave drop cards in. The same with apartment finder books and car trader books. One fun thing to do is to drop some in parking lots at restaurants and to watch from a distance, the reactions of people who find them are hilarious.

These are all marketing zones and people who are out expect to be marketed to and none of these methods are invasive or make anyone feel threatened because they pick them up or take them home and find them. The best part about it is, if someone contacts you through any of these methods, they are serious and they have proof that the method works so they will use it too.
There are many ways to use these drop cards and I have one more to share with you. It is great too. How much junk mail do you get? Would you like to fight back in your own way? When you go through your junk mail, how many envelopes are in there that have in the corner the words "no postage necessary if mailed in the united states"? The person who opens these envelopes is a mail clerk and they are at the bottom of the totem pole of their company. Why not put a drop card inside of the envelope and send it back in the mail?
All of these offline methods are fun to me, the reactions of people are various and wonderful to see. You truly can do these without leaving your comfort zone and they do not cost very much. What if you had 10 people in your downline and each of them went through toll booths 1 or 2 times a day. If they went through once a day and passed out a CD, that would be 10 per week and more than 40 per month. It would only take a few sign ups each year to make back your investment and all of the money spent is tax deductible.

If you liked these methods. Wait! If you want to be successful in your business. Why wouldn't you use these methods? Anyway go to my blog site and you can find the link for the real looking drop cards and the generic CD's if you want to try any of them.

Written by Dan Lambeth, lead generation specialist- http://www.MLMBizWizard.com To pick up the tools mentioned in the article go to http://danlambeth.com/network-marketing-offline-strategies-for-your-online-business which is my blog post of this article. Just scroll to the bottom. By clicking on the name of the blog and not the post title you can see every post and there is access to several training videos in the posts. There is also a sign up form for my newsletter which will give you access to free live weekly training webinars.

2011年3月28日 星期一

The greatest salesman in the world

I met today Seller the largest in the world. I was looking for a supplier B2B desktop widgets and this is a sales representative with great Widget worldwide co. after Just happened by chance. And, no, his name is Zig Ziglar, Jay Conrad Levinson, Anthony Robbins, Stephan Schiffman or Neil Rackham. He had a memorable name household. his name was Mike Smith. Such a common name but it was an exceptional person. After all, is a professional top sales, a super seller Seller the largest in the world.

How do I know that is the Salesperson largest in the world? The Guiness Book of records does not have a category for this. The truth is, I don't know. I work for a large company, and dozens of vendors coming in and out of my Office every day pitching their goods and services. I have heard all too many sales, all the hard sell, and all sales closes may imagine.

This is not to mention the cold callings I receive every day. I've seen it all. The reason I think this is the greater because he didn't find me, I found this. I searched for desktop widgets on the internet and his name was everywhere. I opened the yellow pages and the photo was there the category desktop widgets. I asked my fellow isotimoys and told that Mike Smith is the expert in the field. Expert is the desktop widgets. Know what widgets internally and externally. Therefore, since the name of Mike is everywhere, when I inquired about desktop widgets I bought from him. And, if you want to learn something? Mike does not seem to be a seller at all. There was no need to sell them my widgets. The sale was even before we met. Just received my order.

A number of the recipient, which may be the Salesperson largest in the world? Too many salespeople try to fit the picture of what a salesperson should and shouldn't do. But the bottom line, no matter how you get your sales if you exceed the targets set by your boss sales and earn top commissions. Doesn't matter if sales come through cold callinging for sales leads, or may come through referrals, advertising, and marketing? I think, if you earn a good income no matter how come sales.

Mike learned early on that there is an opportunity cost involved with ing cold call. Ingcold calltakes a long time, valuable time that could be used better in front of clients and prospects. Sales are made in front of the people and not the phone. So, Mike is positioned himself as an expert in the field. He did this by offering free advice. Writes online articles that provide features and benefits of desktop widgets, as well as useful tips on how to obtain the most productivity of your desktop widgets. Is always available for media interviews and seek all free media exposure. It also has its own budget advertising, even if you do not pay company.

Know that for every certain amount of dollars spent on advertising brings even greater business value and commissions. This makes it so that when people search for desktop widgets are first. Exactly where he advertises his target market appears first. Over time, also began getting more and more business referrals from previous clients. This is the natural evolution of the line of work. Satisfied customers are more happy customers.

Mike Smith did not cold call. Has no sales closing techniques. Sales did not read books. It is not part of any organised business networking groups. Never has taken sales training courses.

Mike Smith is a series of recipient. Is the Salesperson largest in the world.

Check the blog Lottery winners. Includes winners from many lotteries, including the Powerball Lottery.

Marketing, advertising, something that is part of the company's plan

DECATUR-CeCe Gorilla created a short-term effort to raise awareness of the DCC for the marketing year, the last year.

CeCe using the original promotion has ended, but he has since become a permanent part of the identity of the business. DCC is used for almost 11 years, to contribute to the achievement of the other companies, but the company argued the trip continues to Decatur for the people.

"Sometimes we forget ourselves in the market," DCC President Kara Demirjian Huss said. "It has developed in the us. Small and medium-sized businesses determine the tunnel vision. Sometimes we forget to watch the big picture. It is difficult to get arrested, the daily ".

CeCe was promoted to the first email and Facebook. During the promotion of the heart, she could be spotted in different places of the city, which is his location on a daily basis. He showed by our customers after their stay at shops and recognisable companies, such as Decatur Avon theatre and eating ice cream in combination with Krekel: n locations.

People soon were the identification of the DCC gorilla.

Chris Herbert, the Director of public relations, DCC "people got used to seeing him," said. "It was great our operations. The people began to know who we were. "

Katherine Smith, Director of the DCC is committed to improving the quality of the companies to show how to create an effective marketing campaign and set up a legal person, the said. In some cases, their personality shift Demirjian Huss said.

"You can't rely on the same old promotion," Smith said.

At the same time, when many companies think of tightening their belts, and the trade restriction is a good idea to find themselves struggling to them and in some cases, going out of business. Advertising and marketing need not be expensive and can be done efficiently even with limited budgets.

It is not something that should be deleted, however.

"Trading should always be some kind of control," Demirjian Huss said. "Regardless of what you are going to be one of the budget should be."

Companies should consider the cost of an investment and marketing, said Bill Lehmann, President of Jones and Thomas, Decatur-a company that has been around for 30 years.

"It has to be seen in the same context as the planning," Lehmann said. "As much as you want to think of the product or service of fire to humans; It is unrealistic. Ongoing operations are still to happen. "

Companies that can take years and often come from, go to the back to the original expenditure levels, Lehmann said. Consistency save money, he said.

Smith said the advertising is used is almost entirely pushing data to the companies. Now consumers are usually pull, what they want to know, Smith said. Finding the right combination of methods can be a struggle, he said.

Lehmann said, despite the changing methods of advertising for traditional energy sources, such as newspapers, TV and radio should not be forgotten.

Steve Vandiver, Director of marketing, Richland Community College calendar of marketing can be an effective planning tool you can track activities, said. Vandiver told last Week that the effective marketing of entrepreneurship in meeting invitations should be used in different ways.

"I still feel like you have to spread it around," Vandiver said. "You do not agree to the budget, and the book."

Social media, for example, is a free and fully dormant, Vandiver said.

Change in emerging forms of marketing, it is important to your business.

Jones and Thomas created JTnet 2007 spinoff to focus on Internet-based marketing, Lehmann said. Online advertising and Web sites are no longer new, but it has taken on added importance in the last few years, Lehmann said. E-mail communications has become a way to directly reach out to customers, he said.

"To continue the drive to the top of the consistency of other awareness," Lehmann said. "In many cases, companies need to get people to acknowledge, as they change, and the community."

Although it can be an effective from time to time, companies should not rely on mere word-and-mouth disease vaccine recommendations, Smith said.

"You will not be able to grant everybody knows about you," Smith said.

Effective companies should keep track of customer statistics population, Demirjian Huss said. They should know who their target audience is the marketing efforts with Demirjian Huss said.

clusvardi@Herald-Review.com | 421-7972

View the original article here

2011年3月27日 星期日

4 Critical mistakes new network marketers make that Kill success MLM

Over the years, I made countless errors on MLM and trying to run my network marketing business. For a long time, I didn't make a tell and had no idea what I did wrong in this case.

The first 3 companies that I have tried not to me any money which cost thousands of dollars in costs and wasted years trying to follow the instructions I was given.

Only when he stopped doing what he said multi level marketing companies to do things, and I did shoot a real business growing.

Teach them what is old hat tactics won't work today. You used to be able to cold call and get signups. You used to be able to talk to friends and family to join your network marketing business.

Nothing more, today people have access to information on the web and your research opportunity for weeks. A bad report online can ruin your efforts to recruit someone. This is bad for an old-style marketing.

Instead, you need to use the power of the internet to find and target people already searching and searching for a new opportunity. There is no doubt tell interested when they click the ad link or website.

These are the real WARM leads. They are interested and want more information. Now you know how to find them online, you can simply create a nice little website that provides information, videos, tons of sounds and the arrangements for you and your opportunity. Allow the advertising to bring them and the website pre-sell.

Here are 4 common mistakes that often make new network marketers:

1. waste time chasing people: there are people out there who doesn't want a home business, and certainly don't want to worry the Bank or grocery store. Your sister, who has never had an undertaking is not someone you want, even in the bottom-line. We never sell your opportunity for people who have no interest in. Rather than build a system from online will send more leads on your website and you will get interested just to opt-in.

2. start your conversations with your MLM opportunity: never start talking to someone and jump right to your business. Whenever I talk to someone, like to learn more about them and learn what they are doing and what they want to do. See if you have a way of providing the assistance. Want to be a helper not someone who can get their money. If these sound like you might be interested in you can mention a little about your business, but to maintain low key and let them ask questions to.

3. spending weeks "working on" someone who still doesn't show any interest in your business. Know when to say no to people, to provide consumers with the information, but if you want to think about. Just tell them that the great, give me a call when you want to move forward. And move on to the next prospect.

More run, your most Sellerthat one. People who don't want to be sold to, who wish to be informed and be left alone.

4. do not sell yourself as an expert: nothing will be more people in your down-line then quickly at the point where you know more than. Marketing network, people have the option to someone who wants to join. After the company's name, MLM, could join anyone else. To keep the leads that you create must have something extra to the table. Better training, a better system of marketing, hands on help or even just a better person should obtain the record.

Learn all you can and get off a good phone and your skills in writing to show your knowledge. Even if you're brand new to a company, if you have the skills to teach them things that they don't know, you become the expert.

If you read your emails, you're the expert. Don't let your line up to be an expert or you just might miss you, join them. Keep your leads to yourself until it looks like they decided to not join. Now you can find in a 3 way call with your up-line, but use this tool as a last resort.

Instead, build a website or blog for you who ask the expert and show all the ways that people are going to help you make more money fast.

These 4 mistakes in marketing network is a big reason people go broke started a MLM company but there are more mistakes that rain can slow down your success.

This article was written by Mark Johnson.

For more network marketing help and tips please visit my website today and learn how to successfully the your business. I put together a report for your free training http://michaeljohnsonbiz.comin

2011年3月26日 星期六

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Worker crunch? Task a lot and five local company

JUPITER statement Marc Mirabella may employ 20 vendeurs, but it is getting a group a.

It is a Greek iwoni in the worst job market in the year, unemployment is 14.1 percent in St Lucie Comte, 14 percent of the County, Indian River, and 12.1 per cent, Martin and Palm Beach, yet some employers are work-based.

Mirabella is a Vice President in Oxford international, a company placement tempo technical consultant. Determined by himself in a position in the Office of Jupiter, Mirabella and want to help with the work annonces foires, again the answer was underwhelming.

"And curriculum have dry/pass, '' Mirabella said.

It is not the only employee who said good workers hard to know, and have 1. 1 million Floridians of work. To hear some executives, you would think in the job has always stuck in 2006, when the region was at 3 percent.

'' There are more positions as we can, '' Larry Breault, founder of the Executive, recruiting firm Looking LifeWork in Port St. Lucie said.

Mirabella, meanwhile, do on a list of who is there an connaissances when embauche. There is a company in limo have never received any drivers and Some who can't keep up financial position.

Oxford international can work together to college degrees, competences good phone with great ethnic. Vendeurs, earning $ 28,000, and base commissions can push the price higher than $ 100, Mirabella said.

Even so, he would stop the phrase "vente phone" active 50 short applicants work.

'' People are afraid of what we do: we televente, but people automatically think you already have a company have telemarketing, '' Mirabella said. '' It still have that negative connotation about when eating lunch, the rings on the phone with someone trying to sell you insurance. "

For this reason, Mirabella, Oxford the vendeurs call business, which would have a job simpler than inquietant customers in dinnertime. But with an unemployment montage and area food banks report on demand more to charity, you would think applicants would etre lining for televente positions.

Why deconnecter? Although recession, labor experts have for the between competences workers and competences, the employee need. Breault, for instance, can make the people with experience in the logistics of your credit cards buy traitement statement never to the role of a former construction worker you mortgage preteur can receive easy.

Economists also put on efficacite de March for work. Those who want to shop and sell action Apple, for instance, rapidement connect Exchange market.

But staff and work at resolving can't get other so easy. David Goldenberg, economiste consulting in Boynton Beach, for "poor information on both sides" of recruitment equation said.

"A look and I don't know exactly what he's looking for you how to measure it, go see if the applicant have that he needs, '' Goldenberg said.

While Mirabella said the sense of application for a few, some employers are wary about publicite work because they know that they're inonde and applications of no work at resolving.

'' If they put advertising from the show, 38 in your jeans and shorts and flip-flops were looking for a job, '' Breault said.

Meanwhile, some employers are increasingly picky about people they employ. Forte Interactive, a software and website development company in West Palm Beach,, has two openings, but it will keep for performers.

'' We are not on the worker bees. We are looking for rock stars "Rob Anderson, cofondateur de Forte Interactive said.

Anderson definit rock stars as workers have fan energetique. Forte Interactive waiting for a scheduled for a representant customer service with the Internet, with both is the quality of the skills that are not in the material in exactement County Palm Beach.

But Oxford international law, which seeks not so competences specialises, found some applicants.

'' There definitely will be without work, '' Mirabella said. '' This incredible for me. "

View the original article here

2011年3月25日 星期五

4 simple steps to eliminate the 4 major problems of network marketing

When most people who attend their first network marketing meeting, do so with an open mind, they get so excited for another success that sign up and frantically rush around trying to finance all see. Sometimes, take some of the members of their families to participate. Then they will understand that those who have joined under the business don't work as hard as it is. Some will join just to your happy and just seeing that we must work to make money, their deposition.

Some people who join will buy their product, "hot list", set up some appointments and invite people over. After a month or two, they begin to realize what many before have understood. These methods expose your old school can t deny. These are the same methods they were sponsor taught and have put in place for years.

But now, it's a new era of technology and all the leaders of the industry by taking advantage of the Internet and everyone is stuck using old school methods will be faced with the same long odds that faced network marketers for years. We must also face the same problems that led 4 higher in many of the failures in network marketing.

These problems are:

1. Need more opportunities for your business because your "hot list" request timed out.

2. we need more money for your business because you thought you were going to put your business on your profits faster.

3. the lack of duplication

4. keep your team members leave faster than you can subscribe to.

The first problem typically occurs when your "hot list" is used about half way and the rates of your success is what you expect. Almost all donors say that your first step is to write your "hot list" (family, friends, anyone else have a telephone number, or who knows your name) and start getting in touch with them. But when your list is gone, how would you proceed? Some will use flyers in the local mall or/and to connect to the Internet and to purchase a list of leads.

At work your way through your "hot list" you really are better than a door to Seller door because you are calling and visiting all the personal contacts and is trying to promote your product or opportunity, even if not asked for it.

When you use the "three foot rule" and to turn every conversation into your promotion, you get the directories from a Salesman corner point trying to sell their mpiskotopoiias.

There are many sites online that will sell the super-duper, pre-qualified, the first time used, fresh leads lists. Then you have to cold calling of these people and sell over the phone as a telemarketer, and if you don't get any bites, you will lose your money. Not to mention that many of them will say something like "you're the 4th person asked me today about this!"

The second problem usually sets in quickly enough because everyone starts their own company in order to make money and everyone who spends it. One thing is to buy the products, and quite another to have to buy additional product Placement "with the perspective and then you need to buy the CD and other sales type products for your business.

The average paycheck in network marketing is $ 43 per month, and this is way less than you need to buy to remain qualified for commissions. Thus, many people will fall before going broke.

The third problem duplication is all about the system. When you use these methods, old school, which, incidentally, is great for those who have a personality sellers, it is difficult to get everyone to do the same things and, since everyone is different, it is hard for everyone to use the same system.

The problem of retention is caused by other problems and the fact that it is difficult to withstand all the rejection that you submitted.

However, there is an easy way to fix all of this and is really only a 4 step process. The first step is training, and when done correctly, and focus the other three steps, not only will you have to deal with rejection, but never again will you have a good marketing plan that will allow you to move in a positive direction with your home based business.

The other three steps are:

1. Create a list.

2. to establish a relationship with those contained in the table.

3. Monetization in the list.

There are many people looking online for ways to make money. There are many people online looking for solutions for network marketing problems. This is your target market. All you have to do it yourself online location where those who seek to find you.

If you do, you'll Find a lot of people and leaving your information to contact them with solutions. I have so many that you will have to set an auto-responder service just so you can keep up with all their names and email addresses and be able to attend with them.

If you get effective training in many ways to create a list of prospects and are able to find a method after the other until you have a marketing plan by collecting 30-50-or 100 success leads per day and your auto-responder that is followed by theon a regular basis, this will give you an inexhaustible qualified leads.

With people to your online and will give you the information, you have to start with interested people. When you have a service that sends all e-mails and their shows resources and tools that will help their business, and all these tools really help them, and how is your corporate programswill build a relationship with them and monetizing your list at the same time.

If you look around online, you will find many people who say "the money is in the list". These people are not talking about your "hot list" talking about a list as described here.

I would also like to think about one more thing, when it is a marketing plan. A modest product with a great marketing plan will always outsell a great product that has only a modest marketing plan. To demonstrate that, just that--like McDonalds. Could you make a better burger than McDonalds? Of course you can, but gave the opportunity to sell billions of them their marketing plan.

By Dan Lambeth, most people try to find the MLM, fails, and quit before ever find what went wrong. Reason # 1 is the lack of adequate training for this and cannot be turned around to attract marketing principles taught in this mlm lead generation and marketing training system.

2011年3月24日 星期四

Libyan gold value of $6 billion

Help, 23 March 2011 last updated at 14:18 pm

Libya has gold reserves under the top 25 at the world, amounting to over $6 billion current prices.

The reserves, which in Libya held be, could economic sanctions over a longer period hard Colonel Gaddafi and asset seizures by the international community find you under.

History teaches us that armies were long paid in gold or in silver and bronze coins were paid other metals - troops of the Roman Empire.

Colonel Gaddafi Libya gold could use to pay for the army or mercenaries?

World business news Manuela Saragosa spoke with Adrian ash, head of research at bullion vault, an online gold trading company in London.

The full transcript of the interview below:

Adrian Ash: the thing about gold, and this is true in the course of history, it is really is about economic freedom. Sometimes works to the advantage of the dictators, and sometimes to the benefit of private individuals of personal freedom works.

It is obvious for Gaddafi this anonymous highly liquid asset potentially have quite useful. What I think is perhaps more interesting compared to its Central Bank reserves, he has actually another $93 billion worth of stuff.

Manuela Saragosa: Euro, dollar?

Adrian Ash: Dollar or the euro was not the right place in the physical paper, and I would imagine that the militia, which he tried to pay way or to promote, further fight to go, before they want gold, because this $ international are accepted. You can get as a means of payment to anywhere.

Manuela Saragosa: And it is unusual to see a Central Bank like the Libyan Central Bank actually physical gold in their rooms have?

Adrian Ash: well, I mean, certainly large stocks of gold in their operated the New York Fed, Bank of England, the European Central Bank, have them all. But on smaller gold reserves, to smaller Nations, smaller economies, yes usually is, they have some sort of trading balance at one of the major commercial centres, London, New York actually find. So, Yes, it is relatively uncommon, actually see a small nation, hoarding all this at home.

Manuela Saragosa: Why has it hoarded the Libyan Central Bank then?

Adrian Ash: well, I think it is obvious, as they say gold is basically it would be, in the final analysis, it is the ultimate means of payment, and I think al-Qadhafi has view to this day for some time. I mean, he has experience of it since 1996 with penalties across the EU.

Manuela Saragosa: how easy is it for Colonel Gaddafi, gold to convert to cash if he wants to?

Adrian Ash: well, I think it will be very difficult at the moment for him to convert the uppercase because the international market, not to him speak. He's going to have to find a friendly regime and they are in General must first able to be there physically by Libya.

I would be surprised if it was still in Tripoli. I would imagine that, similar to the French in the second world war, which moved their gold of Paris reserves and deep quickly, the gold in the mountains will be more unavailable. It will be hidden somewhere. So I dont think it is very easy.

Manuela Saragosa: So it is actually useful, then all these gold in any way with?

Adrian Ash: again, historically, if you look back, gold is the ultimate means of payment, the ultimate form of Exchange in the crisis. Have you seen Nazi Germany was able in the past, some of the purchases during the war, United Kingdom with the cash and carry in the first years of the war with the United States, to finance, but I do not know, how much is it really to support its care, the Gaddafi regime.

Manuela Saragosa: But when it came to crunch, you could for example meltdown the gold to pay your army with him, you can in this way?

Adrian Ash: sure. You could hack it, absolutely right. I mean, if he has it in the bar form.

Manuela Saragosa: it is difficult, crushing?

Adrian Ash: No. I is relatively soft my Gold and I mean, I'm sure he would have it the machines. He could melt it down and have I knocked it into smaller units, and certainly my, that would be a good way to pay. I my, his militia I am sure look, take that can get them any kind of payment.

Manuela Saragosa: the data of the IMF has proposed, it is approximately 148 tonnes of gold. Like works that look, I meaning that look like?

Adrian Ash: now, the really not much gold. All the world, the gold ever mined in the history has been is about 165 000 tonnes. If got you, that all together and converting to a single cube, is about 20 meters on each edge. It is really not so much. It is just incredibly difficult.

View the original article here

Budget 2011: second opinion - on growth, debt and the rebalancing

In June, immediately after the election, the Government laid down an aggressive plan to reduce the budget deficit.

The plan was based on the assumption would bounce back strong this year, 2.3% - the growth and inflation would be only through objective - to 2.4%.

Since then, the economic data has even worse: only 1.7% estimated growth and inflation is now expected to be over 4% for those which are most this year.

What makes this the reduction plan deficit?

The answer is – the Government meets the objective of the Elimination of Defizits-remains but for more higher debt.

It was at 70% of GDP in the year 2013 tip then back 70% lower than predicted in the year 2014, and again in the year 2015.

This is self-defined additional fiscal target the Government: "net public debt as a percentage of GDP at a fixed time fall 2015-16"

Now, it is then easy even peak at nearly 71% of GDP, over 70% in the year 2014 is allocated in the year to 69.1%. So, if debt falls, is until 2015, 38 billion higher than we thought it, it would be.

This means the Coalition just an own meet objectives and their margin of error on this is now less, says the OBR.

But some economists think, also, these projections are too optimistic. Doug McWilliams of the CEBR says:

"It is unlikely that consumer spending to rise this year is OBR forecasts the consumer spending deflator up to 4.6% this year and average earnings up 2.0 show %." The OBR expected consumer spending to rise 0.6% in 2011, but this may mean something other than a lot of pressure on the consumer.
"The OBR seems remarkably sanguine about the global economy." It is possible that the price of oil may edge down over the next 4 years; It is also possible that world GDP growth above 4% will be in these years. But it is highly unlikely that both at the same time takes place. "So the growth forecasts are subject to export."

There is a another pair provide: first, the impact of spending cuts on growth. This is the point in question between the Government and labour - and which is now of minus 0.7% in the forecast (June 2010) negative impact of the reductions of appropriations to minus 0.2% - OBR shrunk and although these tiny percentages of arcane sound, which minus 0.7% about a third of all projected growth.

The OBR explains that this say that the switch which Coalition cut editions of departments (ie public services) was AME (i.e. social assistance), that the impact of the cuts "" disappears from this line in the calculation, and will open in reduced consumption (this according to OBR spokesman).

Secondly, the trade is. The Government assumptions about a growth recovery rely on Britain's trade situation always positive - it's strongly negative for a decade and not very well in the last year, when during production boomed, was also booming imports. The OBR says a few large aircraft purchases this number - can have garbled, so that if we do not buy so many jumbo jets, United Kingdom his positive trade gets finally number.

But let us see. The UK is not currently as an export powerhouse for me.

A final observation from the document OBR. You are not very impressed with the plan for growth.

The growth-oriented measures are tangible and concentrated mainly on business - and on the type of business you create jobs and want to boost exports. The corporate tax cut is important, as the fuel duty escalator cut and the enterprise zones. But the OBR says:

"We believe it is strong enough evidence trend change our growth assumption in the light of the policy measures announced in the budget 2011 to justify" (OBR, 3.19)
Just to translate: This means that they are not factoring in George Osborne plan for growth at all in their forecasts for the medium-term outlook of the economy. For example, it means that the structural impact of income tax changes, is "minimal".

So the great food from the figures in today's budget really: there is no certainty that the growth in the way rebound is the Chancellor is claimed. The micro measures are widely welcomed is on the business and the markets, with the conservative right say that more and work rubbishing them. But the fact remains...

The growth figures were revised downwards twice; Inflation is much higher; Real incomes are squashed.

But is for now, the markets of the Government give the benefit of the doubt - and we see that in the lower-cost of Government-Mr Osborne in noted bond lower than any other country with government bonds provide.

And while I it to mention the debate has just begun in the Portuguese Parliament, fiasco could bring to the last phase of the euro sovereign debt.

View the original article here