Simple and Lucrative is being marketed as one of the simplest ways to make money from home. So easy in fact, that just about anyone could make up to $900 a day with it. At a onetime cost of $397, it comes with a tangible product that is shipped which is known as 'Branding Your Way To Riches' along with training videos and other promotional material.
So how do you make money with Simple and Lucrative? By bringing in members just like you were. For every member that is brought in, you make $300 and for every sale the person you brought in makes, you again get $40.
As the name promises, this business does sound both simple and lucrative. However it is too simple to be true? The training program provided is extensive and gives step by step information required to crack the deal and enroll more and more members with your referral. Also, the domain on which the website is listed shows the information as 'public' which is a positive sign that the people behind Simple and lucrative are trustworthy.
Information is usually hidden or withheld in case of businesses that are scams. However, several people who have signed up for the program are yet to make money out of it because the training material is reported to be too complicated. Also the training videos which supposedly offer every tip one needs to know aren't proving to be actually useful to many people. Simple and Lucrative claims to pay electronically the moment you bring a new member and thus, the payment is instantaneous. Thus, this might be a case of the products being legit and tangible but not user friendly.
However on paper it looks like even if you are able to refer this program to friends or family, there is a good chance of profits coming in.
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