Are you looking to get into the Xango Business? Like many people who are looking to join Xango or any other Network Marketing Opportunity, you are doing your research to see if this company has a good reputation or not. You are trying to see what the Owners are like, what the product is like and more importantly what their compensation plan is like.
Let me tell you that I have done some research on this company to see what it is all about. Here is my review on the Xango Business. The Company is among the top 10 percent of network marketing companies around. Xango has more than one million independent distributors in over 30 international markets. Its main product is its mangosteen drink which is made from the tropical mangosteen fruit.
Its Founders include Gary Hollister and Aaron Garrity which are both involved in helping their distributors succeed and expand the company around the globe. Their compensation plan includes Four Different ways of earning commissions. There are a few people who are making multiple five figures a month in commissions.
Unfortunately many people get into the Xango Opportunity and don't know the effective ways of marketing and struggle just to break even. Many of their upline leaders tell them to make a list of their warm market, which includes friends and family members. However, the problem with this method is that they are not targeting people who want to get into network marketing or any other home based business.
This method will only work for a very small percentage of network marketers (1%). However the remaining 99% will struggle to make a profit using those old school methods. They also will tell you to buy and cold call leads after you have exhausted your warm market. Many people when they buy and cold call leads only get a small percentage of those leads to join their business. The rest of them make every excuse and objective under the sun.
This is why it is important to learn the skills of attraction marketing and generate your own Xango Business leads. People who are interested in Joining YOU. People don't join businesses, they join people who position themselves as leaders. Someone who is there to provide value and help people succeed.
You also need to monetize those leads by marketing to them affordable, High-valued educational products through an auto responder since 95 percent of those leads will not join your Xango Business.
Learning these skills are not hard. You don't have to be the smartest person in the world to have success in this industry using attraction marketing. You just have to find someone who is willing to help get you started in the right direction.
Ted Hunsaker has a passion for helping people to succeed online no matter what their experience is. Discover how you can Generate Fresh Xango Business Leads Today!