2011年5月31日 星期二

Bon Voyage 1000 - Thousand Dollar Cycles - Business Review

Bon Voyage 1000 and it's Thousand Dollar Cycles is the name of their new 'fully automated' program. Many have asked me, what is Bon Voyage 1000? Let's take a closer look at this business opportunity that so many people are talking about.

Bon Voyage 1000 - Thousand Dollar Cycles - Business Review

The Company

Bon Voyage 1000 - Thousand Dollar Cycles is a large multi national company which has it's head quarters based out of the Caribbean. The company provides it's members with some of the finest lifestyle products and travel services at some pretty amazing prices. Their focus is to make a positive difference to people all over the world to improve their lifestyle. Of course you will need to become a member in order to qualify for all these great special offers.

The Products

The Bon Voyage 1000 and the thousand dollar cycle products all come with an offer that creates a better lifestyle for yourself and for others.

1. Free cruise for 2 people to the Bahamas

2. Luxury Holiday Condos for extreme cheap rates

How does it work?

The Bon Voyage 1000 program is simple and 'fully automated'. Basically the idea is that once you buy one of their products, you promote the program to other people. For referring someone you will receive $1000 per transaction. Once your new member makes a sale, you receive $200 and if that person makes a sale you receive $100.

Surely this opportunity is great and Bon Voyage 1000 and the thousand dollar cycles products are of great value. The only problem I can personally see is that there is little or no mentioning of ongoing marketing training.

Anyone who wishes to be a successful marketer will need to enroll into a professional and proven marketing course that teaches you how to brand, promote, market and sell a product, service or business, online and offline and actually make money. It is no surprise to me that so many marketers are failing, because they join a company that has great products and flashy replicated websites, but they don't offer any ongoing marketing training to it members.

Do you want to learn online and offline marketing to earn a full-time income or even a 6-figure monthly income within less than 90 days? Yes, click now become an online marketing student, fill out the form and watch the video presentations on the following page, then claim a free test-drive.

Mike is an Online Marketing Coach and a Corporate Trainer for what is named 'Arguably the World's Largest Internet Marketing University' available on the internet to-date.

To learn more about Mike and his team, visit http://2wealth-2freedom.com

He teaches Individuals, Newbies and Seasoned Pros, to reach Financial Independence through proven, professional, effective marketing methods and business strategies, to stay competitive in the marketing arena, to leave the competition eating dust and to stay well ahead of all the new trends.

